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About 3:00 this morning I rolled my sleepy butt out of bed and drove across town to participate in a solstice ritual led by a lovely Mayan elder who lives here in Houston.

I love experiencing different spiritual practices, especially ones rooted in deep tradition, and I feel very fortunate for the ways this has been possible in my life.

This one was special.

There were just a handful of us gathered on the lawn outside a church and sometime shelter and social services center.

Creating the ritual space was a slow and meticulous process—tremendous care was put into building a sacred fire, decorated with flowers, greenery, candles, piloncillo, sugar, cacao beans, and countless blessings.

We were all given candles to hold, and little bark-wrapped packages of tinder to throw into the fire. These served as offerings for all that we have received and experienced, as well as paying forward for all we hope will come to pass in the new solar cycle.

The elder told us to make ourselves comfortable, because the universe is kind and doesn’t want us to suffer.

And she began to sing and pray—her voice rich, powerful, and fervent.

What struck me most were the emotional and energetic force of the prayers spoken and sung, and their thoroughness.

Her words blanketed every nook and cranny of the world with blessings for health, peace, comfort, safety, and vitality. And you were included.

It might seem strange and distant, but this wise woman was loving you hard.

Copal was burned. Tobacco was offered, and whiskey.

Songs were song, drums beaten. At one point a small bird landed in the tree over us and gave a quick call before moving on, said to be a blessing from the spirits.

She emphasized many times the importance of being grateful for everything—both the good and the bad.

In a world that seems turned on its head, it was beautiful to be out with good people, sacred fire, the moon, and the potent energy of prayer and positive intention.

There’s incredible beauty and richness in diversity, and in particular, the diversity of prayer and spiritual connection.

My prayer tonight is that all people be free to enter the divine stream of consciousness and expression in the way that suits them best, whether it be song, dance, prayer, meditation, sweat lodge, religious practice of choice, medicine of choice, qi gong, or anything else that isn’t harming others.

May it be so.